D-Ability Initiative participated in a one-day workshop on stakeholder engagement and Familiarization of the Safeguards team and GBV (Gender-Based Violence) Service providers’ roles towards cases of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH). The workshop was held in Port Harcourt, and was facilitated by the Rivers State Ministry of Health. Various stakeholders, including NGOs, Rivers State Ministry of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation, Rivers State Ministry of Women Affairs, and Gender focal persons from Health Centres, as well as security agencies, were also in attendance.

This workshop fostered collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of strategies to better safeguard individuals and provide support to victims. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this workshop will contribute to more effective efforts in combating SEA/SH in our society.

The primary objective of the workshop was to enhance stakeholders’ understanding of the roles they play in addressing cases of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH). It aimed to create awareness and sensitize participants on the importance of safeguarding individuals from such acts and providing support to victims.

Key Highlights:

  • A comprehensive presentation on the need for collaboration and coordination among stakeholders to effectively tackle SEA/SH cases.
  • GBV Service Providers and Safeguards Teams familiarization:
  • The roles of GBV service providers and safeguards teams.
  • The protocols and procedures to be followed in handling and investigating SEA/SH cases.
  • Types of support services available for victims.

Key Recommendations:

  • Need for improvement on the effectiveness of stakeholders in addressing SEA/SH cases.
  • Need for regular reports to line Ministries for data capturing and onward reporting to Federal Ministries,
  • Regular training and capacity-building programs,
  • Enhanced coordination between stakeholders, and the
  • Establishment of a resource centre for victims.


During the 16 Days of Activism 2022, people around the world united to raise awareness about gender-based violence, challenge discriminatory attitudes, and call for improved laws and services to end violence against women for good. The theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism 2022 was “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls.” We went live to discuss the challenges faced by women with disabilities and why we must all rise to fight the menace.

Project Banner with project caption, Dr. Nwanyanwu, and Ebere

Project Banner with project caption, Dr. Nwanyanwu, and Ebere

The 16 Days of Activism campaign calls for action against one of the world’s most persistent violations of human rights – violence against women. 16 Days of Activism affords all the opportunity to join in raising awareness of what needs to change to prevent violence against women and girls from happening in the first place at local, national, regional and international levels.


A cross-section of The Graduands and the Executive Director

Thirty Deaf women have graduated from six months of entrepreneurial skills training acquisition program initiated and implemented by D-Ability Initiative. This non-governmental organization provides support and empowerment for persons with special needs. This project was sponsored by the European Union (EU) through the British Council and Agents for Citizens-driven Transformation (ACT).

Speaking at the graduation ceremony in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, the Executive Director, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu, stated that the program was part of their Organisation’s commitment towards capacity-building and improving the livelihood and financial well-being of such women and girls in Rivers. He explained the reasons for choosing to build the capacity of Deaf women at this time: “When it comes to the persons with disabilities, the Deaf are the most marginalized. If they are unskilled or uneducated, how can they measure up to the demands of society?”

The Executive Director addressing the graduands

Dr. Nwanyanwu hinted that the first batch of trainees comprised 30 Deaf women and girls, who are now gearing up to start their own businesses to enable them to earn a living, improve their financial well-being and cope with the current economic situation in the country. “We change their story by building their skills and earning capacity in the fashion industry. We are determined to create a world where persons with special needs are empowered, made competent and independent” said the Executive Director.

He also outlined the various positive impacts, the skill acquisition program would have on society. “When a woman with disabilities renders services and you patronize her, she will feel accepted and gains a sense of belonging. This will in turn make her a better person who creates value and receives a value. Earning money through their skills will stop them from begging which could open them up to rape and other vulnerabilities. Also when a woman has a source of income to support her partner, it reduces the incidences of domestic violence.”


One of the trainers, Ms. Queen Dakah, commended the organizers and charged the beneficiaries to remain focused and utilize the opportunity. She thanked Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu, the Founder and Executive Director of D-Ability Initiative for showing concern for Deaf women. She also appreciated the European Union (EU) through the British Council and Agents for Citizens-driven Transformation (ACT). Ms. Dakah called on the state government to borrow a leaf from the organization and create an enabling environment for PWDs in the state.

The graduands and other attendees

Mrs. Chi Oduagu, another trainer expressed satisfaction with the effort put in by the trainees in the course of the training, stating that they

progressed so rapidly beyond her expectations. She called on the general public to patronize them.

Dr. (Mrs.) Nte, a mother of one of the beneficiaries said: “This program has opened our eyes to see that our daughter can interact with people and can also learn fast. Because of the way she performed in this training, we have enrolled her in a University. I thank the organizers of this project. They have done so well. God bless them”.

Some of the beneficiaries, through an interpreter, expressed their appreciation for the training program.

Mrs. Tochi Ibe expressed appreciation for the opportunity given to them to have a meaningful life. “We are grateful to D-Ability Initiative and the European Union for helping us to gain skills in the fashion industry.  We will use this knowledge to benefit ourselves. I say thank you”.

Mrs. Abigail Otobo thanked the organizers of the program for the training and for the opportunity to earn a living and live independently. She said:  “this is the first time anyone remembered to carry out a project for us the Deaf women.  We are very grateful to the D-Ability Initiative and to the European Union. I now have a skill. People have been telling me to make dresses for them. I need a sewing machine to do that. I am happy I can now make beautiful dresses.”

Jane Ottah, another beneficiary said: “I am grateful to Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu of D-Ability Initiative for thinking about us and helping us to get a skill. Thanks to European Union, British Council, and Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT).  I have made dresses for more than twenty clients.  This training is already benefiting me and others. I will do more.”

Mrs. Divine Ivy John Said “I am now a fashion designer. Thank you, D-Ability Initiative. Thank you, European Union. Thank you, ACT and British Council”

Mrs.  Marvis Igiri said: “The love shown to us is touching our hearts.  This training has opened a way for us to have money to support ourselves and family. Thank you D-Ability Initiative and the European Union. We love you too. We need sewing machines so that we will not forget what we have learned.”



Dr. Nwanyanwu called for support from the Federal and State government, as well as kind-hearted individuals and organizations to partner with D-Ability Initiative in setting up a Skills Hub where the newly trained women would put their skills to use, and where more persons with disabilities would be trained. He made this appeal: “we have concluded the training program. However, the beneficiaries have nowhere to practice their skills. We are calling for help. We want to set up a skill training hub where all the trainees can work to support themselves and their families. We want to create something unique, something we all will be proud of. Do you care for the welfare of Deaf women and girls? We are calling on you to support us to set up a Skills Hub”.


Authority Newspaper

Why Group Embark on Free Skill Acquisitions for Hearing Impaired Women: https://authorityngr.com/2022/04/17/why-group-embark-on-free-skill-acquisitions-for-hearing-impaired-women/

Thisday Newspaper

Hope Blossoms for Hearing-impaired Women, Girls: https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/05/04/hope-blossoms-for-hearing-impaired-women-girls/

Guardian Newspaper

Group trains 30 women with hearing impairment on entrepreneurial skills: https://guardian.ng/appointments/group-trains-30-women-with-hearing-impairment-on-entrepreneurial-skills/

Inclusive News

D-Ability Initiative Trains 30 Deaf Women On Entrepreneurial Skills: https://inclusivenews.com.ng/2022/04/09/d-ability-initiative-trains-30-deaf-women-entrepreneurial-skills/

Tide Newspaper

Group Trains 30 Deaf Women On Entrepreneurial Skills: https://www.thetidenewsonline.com/2022/04/11/group-trains-30-deaf-women-on-entrepreneurial-skills/

Vanguard Newspaper

Financial well-being: 30 Rivers deaf women get entrepreneurial skills: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/04/financial-wellbeing-30-rivers-deaf-women-get-entrepreneurial-skills/

The Nations Newspaper (Hard Copy of 11th April 2022)


                          THE GRADUATION…IN THE NEWS

Inclusive News

NGO Trains 30 Deaf Women on Entrepreneurial Skills: https://inclusivenews.com.ng/2022/11/10/ngo-trains-30-deaf-women-entrepreneurial-skills/

Guardian Newspaper

Why we trained 30 physically-challenged women in skills: https://guardian.ng/news/why-we-trained-30-physically-challenged-women-in-skills/

Kristina Reports

Deaf Women Graduate from Skill Acquisition Program: https://kristinareports.net/deaf-women-graduate-from-skill-acquisition-program/

Authority Newspaper

Initiative concludes free skill acquisition training for deaf women in Rivers: https://authorityngr.com/2022/11/12/initiative-conclude-free-skill-acquisition-training-for-deaf-women-in-rivers/

Tide Newspaper

Group Plans Industrial Hub For Persons With Disabilities: https://www.thetidenewsonline.com/2022/11/16/group-plans-industrial-hub-for-persons-with-disabilities/

Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PejTDBE48bM

Our Deaf women Trainees are in style, displaying the dresses they made.

The Deaf women with the Executive Director and a Trainer (middle)

The Deaf women with the Executive Director and a Trainer (middle)











Participants with the Facilitator

Participants with the Facilitator

The European Union, through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) Programme, has strengthened D-Ability Initiative’s capacity on leadership and Board Governance. The training took place at Novotel Hotel in Port Harcourt.  Some of the key takeaways from the training included:

  • The meaning of leadership
  • Types of leadership:
    • organizational leadership
    • paternalistic leadership
    • activist leadership
    • managerial leadership
    • catalytic leadership among others.

It was just so inspiring to learn that dimensions of leadership include:

  • awareness
  • vision and
  • ability to communicate effectively.

There was a series of group works to help all participants internalize what has been taught. There were also plenary sessions in which the Executive Director of D-Ability Initiative presented for group 2.

Participants also learned that misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable, however, some actions can be taken to ensure that there is unity among the constituents of every organisation, some of which include

  • the ability to build team spirit,
  • giving everyone a sense of ownership,
  • treating everyone without partiality
  • clearly communicating goals,
  • delegating responsibilities and
  • averting mistrust, misconceptions, and suspicion.

Every organizational leadership must take to heart the issue of gender and social inclusion (GESI) and must strive to mainstream GESI in all their programming.

The presenter, Professor Umar also stated that emotional intelligence, commitment to the organization, open-mindedness, and courage are among the very admirable qualities of Board members which would enable them to make some tough decisions that will benefit the organization in the short and long run, even when they seem unpopular at the moment

We at D-Ability Initiative are motivated to improve the composition and effectiveness of our Board of Trustees and the Governing Board.


The workshop was funded by the European Union and implemented by the British Council, through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme.  The workshop took place at Novotel Hotel in Port Harcourt on 5th September 2022. Many media houses, bloggers, and influencers were in attendance along with D-Ability Initiative, and other EU-ACT partners CSOs in the State.

EU-ACT Partner CSOs, Represented by their Executive Directors

EU-ACT Partner CSOs, Represented by their Executive Directors

Some key takeaways:

  1. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP: There is a need to make the media house a part of our project from the proposal stage. Allow them to make input to fine-tune the project. This would promote our credibility as a Civil Society Organization (CSO) and make the media house a beneficiary of some part of the budget allotted for media publicity.
  1. RECIPROCAL INVITES: CSOs and media can invite each other as resource persons on issues related to their thematic areas of focus.
  1. KNOWLEDGE SHARING: CSOs and media houses can invite each other for training that will build or strengthen their professional capacity for development.
  1. COLLABORATION: We need to include the media when planning stakeholders’ engagement /town hall meetings.
  1. VISIBILITY AND EXPOSURE: In all our social media and other media handle, tag, and acknowledge each other. That way, we give each other visibility and exposure.
  1. The media need us as much as we need them. There is a need to strategize ourselves for relevance.
  1. We need to be sound and authoritative in our thematic focus areas so that the media will look for us as resource persons from time to time.


Team with the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Health

Workshop in progress

Workshop in progress

The Rivers State Technical Working Group on Adolescents and Young Persons (TWGAYP) held workshops and associated activities with the Federal Ministry of Health, Rivers State Ministry of Health, selected Civil Society Organizations (including D-Ability Initiative), international organizations, and media partners. The aim was to provide technical support to the State TWGAYP and review the implementation of the State’s work plan. The 5-day events included an Advocacy visit, facilities visitation, and workshops which were held at Visa Karena Hotels, Port Harcourt from 28th August to 2nd September 2022.

The events started with an Advocacy Visit by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), State Ministry of Health (SMoH), and some Partners to the State Permanent Secretary, and Policymakers.  Objectives of the week’s activities and Goodwill messages were presented. The representatives of the Federal Ministry of Health were Mrs. Francisca Osibe (Team Lead), Ms. Olabanji Damilola, and Dr. Esther Envuladu.

A welcome address, meeting objectives, and workshop methodology were presented by Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma, the Desk Officer, Adolescent and Young People’s Health, State Ministry of Health.

The following presentations were made:

  • Implementation Status of State Plan (Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma).
  • Presentation of Data for Services Provided for Adolescents and Young People in the state from January to June 2022, using the agreed template (Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma).
  • The Review of International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW 2022) Implementation. (Dr. Uloma Okere, and Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma).
  • Sensitization on U-Test/Self-test (Mr. Stanley Wowo, RIVSACA)
  • Feedback on Facilities visitation

From the presentations, it was evident that the activities in the work plan on the three thematic areas: Teenage Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion; Alcoholism and Drug Abuse; and Violence/ Cultism in the State were not completed. As a result, groups were created to identify key issues that weren’t captured in the work plan, identify challenges that prevented achievements, and make recommendations.

Editorial Team at workThe House went into group work and plenary sessions according to the outlined thematic areas. D-Ability Initiative led the group works on Violence and Cultism. The outputs of the group work were presented by Dr. Nwanyanwu Kingdom, the Founder and President, D-Ability Initiative.

After due deliberations, participants agreed on the following observations and recommendations.


  1. At present, the few Adolescent and Young Persons-friendly facilities available are not up to the required standards.
  2. A high rate of sexual assault cases was recorded.
  3. We observed a lack of Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools.
  4. Lack of Life Planning/HIV/STIs services for in and out-of-school adolescents in the State was observed.
  5. There was some adolescents’ ante-natal care recorded but zero delivery.
  6. Lack of adolescents’ Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials in all the visited facilities.
  7. Inadequate training, poor knowledge, and skills of adolescent health care providers were evident.
  8. Most facilities concentrated mainly on Maternal Neo-natal and Child Health issues.
  9. A lack of database entry for the adolescents was observed.
  10. Available Life Planning commodities were inadequate.
  11. Cultural and religious beliefs were also found to be militating factors against the Life Planning Education/ Programming for adolescents in the State.


  • 1 There should be awareness creation, education, and implementation of Life Planning/HIV/STIs services for in and out-of-school adolescents in the State.
  • 2    More research should be done on the repackaging of adolescents’ information for easy acceptability by partners and Faith-Based Organizations.
  • 3 IEC materials, Life Planning commodities, and catalog (hotlines) should be provided adolescent friendly centers.
  • 4 There should be training and retraining of adolescent healthcare providers followed by supportive supervision to make them adolescent friendly.
  • 5 There should be provisions of database and open data kits, especially concerning adolescents’ issues of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), sexual assaults, and other forms of violence.
    • Media houses in the State should endeavor to bring adolescent-related issues to the forefront.
    • 6 The State Ministry of Health (SMoH) should reach out to CSOs and other interested local partners to mainstream some of the adolescents’ health care activities into their programme with the TWGAYP and SMoH as partners.
    • 7 Government should create and upgrade adolescent spaces in all the facilities across 23 LGAs to reflect adolescent-friendliness so that they can serve the intended purpose.
    • 8 Perpetrators of GBV, sexual assaults, and other forms of violence against adolescents must be punished and rehabilitated.
    • 9 There should be public awareness and training of adolescents on self-defense against GBV and other forms of violence.
    • 10 Provision of Life Management Education and skills for families, schools, and Faith-based Organizations is necessary.
    • 11 There needs be registers, training guides, checklists, and baseline survey tools (starting with manuals) in the facilities for monitoring of all adolescents-friendly services and processes.
  • The FMoH Team expressed deep gratitude to the Rivers State Technical Working Group for their hard work and dedication to the well-being of the adolescents and young people in the State. Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma and Dr. Uloma Okere were greatly commended for their selfless service and relentless efforts. A Communique was drafted by the Communique Team and presented to the general house by the Communique Team Lead, Dr. Nwanyanwu, Kingdom President of D-Ability Initiative.

Participant Organizations include:

Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH)

Rivers State Ministry of Health (RSMoH)

Rivers State Ministry of Youth Development (RSMoH)

Rivers State Ministry of Education (MoE)

Rivers State Primary Health Care Management Board (RSPHCMB)

Adolescents and Young Persons’ Technical Working Group (AYTWG)


World Health Organization (WHO)

D-Ability Initiative (Dehat Ability Support Initiative)

National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ)

National Orientation Agency (NOA)

Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH)

University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH)

Centre for Gender Development Studies

Healthy Life Development Initiative (HELDi)

Rivers Media

Society for Family Health

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)






The Tide newspaper

FIDA, Rivers State



Rhema Care



Sunbeam Life Reformation Initiative

Centre for Creative Development Strategies






Banner of Dr. Nwanyanwu’s Presentation

Did you join the conversation?  Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu, our Founder and President was live on Nigeria Info 92.3 PH Thursday from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. He discussed the importance of investing in strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and how this would translate to sustainable development in Nigeria.

It was a great outing. Thanks to European Union, the British Council,  Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT), and the Civic Action, Sustainable Communities. We will keep impacting.

“If an organization is not sustainable, it cannot drive sustainable development” Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu. See this




The event was held at the Ministry of Women Affairs. This training focused on how to mitigate the incidences of gender-based violence (GBV) by proper data entry into the Federal database the participants practically entered data on the national gender-based violence incident forms. This document has sections that included the organization’s information method or channel of contracting the organization’s survivor/victim’s information and vulnerability level case description of the alleged perpetrator’s information and final outcome.

The online practical data entry highlighted the setting up contacts submission profiling by the GBV center and reporting. The training enabled trainers to explore various components of the national report database and its entry method and modalities. D-Ability Initiative has commenced the setting up of the GVB data entry platform for adequate report entry. One of the lead presenters was the President of D-Ability Initiative Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu. The Rivers State Ministry of Women Affairs is the civil service Department of Rivers State charged with advising the government on policies and programmes involving women and gender equality. 


CSO Executives in Group Photograph

CSO Executives in Group Photograph

D-Ability Initiative AND other selected European Union (EU) partner organizations in Rivers and Plateau States participated in a “Cross-Regional Reflection for ACT-CSOS” organized by European Union (EU) under the Agents for Citizens-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme in Lagos, May 16-17, 2022. The two days event which held at the Lagos Continental Hotel. The purpose of the Cross-State regional reflection was apt to the ACT programme as it offered partnership opportunities for partners to cross-reflect on ideas, capacity development areas, ways of translating same to institutional capacity building for sectorial transformation, effective project implementation, and impactful humanitarian service delivery that promotes Civic Action and Sustainable Communities.

ED, D-Ability Initiative and other CSO Executives

ED, D-Ability Initiative and other CSO Executives

Some of the guiding questions were:

What was different?

How will you sustain it?

What should we improve on?

There were Cross-state learning and presentations from two groups on different topics including Citizen Engagement, Government engagement, Regulatory environment, Gender, and social inclusion as well as Media engagement and partnership. Group one was Plateau State and group two was Rivers State.Dr. Kingdom U. Nwanyanwu, the Founder and President, D-Ability Initiative gave a presentation for Rivers State. The programme featured a comedy and colorful cultural dinner night between Rivers and Plateau States. Participating CSOs from Rivers State include Talklove Africa, Harmony Centre, Advocacy Center, Kabetkache Women Development and Resource Centre, VEANI, SISDEV, Centre for Creative Development Strategies, EIFEY, LOCE, RINNGOS, and CENGOS.

CSO Executives in their Traditional Attires

CSO Executives in their Traditional Attires


The issue of poor compliance of Civil Society organisations  (CSOs) to existing civil society regulations can be attributed to so many factors including CSOs lack of the requisite knowledge and information about these regulations and how to go about such compliance. This assertion was reinforced by the outcome of the survey conducted by  European Union (EU-ACT) programme in March 2021 to establish the current levels of compliance with legal frameworks amongst its supported CSOs/Networks/CBOs in the FCT (Abuja), Lagos, Sokoto, Kano, Rivers, Edo, Adamawa, Enugu, Plateau and Borno States.  On this note, the ACT organised trainings for its partner CSOs/Networks/CBOs across the aforementioned 10 focal states to improve CSOs’ awareness of the important regulations (CAMA, Taxation, Anti-Terrorism and Money Laundering, and Pension) and how they affect their operation; capacitate them on how to become effective in their compliance obligation to these regulations; as well as improve their compliance to them.

The hybrid training was held for two days in each of the Programme’s focal states with participants comprising two representatives per organisation for in-person attendance, and one representative for virtual attendance.  Working in partnership with relevant regulatory agencies, Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Federal Inland Revenues Service (FIRS), Special Control Unit Against Money Laundering (SCUML) and Pension Commission (PenCom), the training enabled EU-ACT CSO partners to gain in-depth knowledge of the requirement of the laws/regulations as well as receive continuous guidance on how to meet these requirements effectively and efficiently. Representatives of these regulatory agencies would participate (in-person) in the training to provide technical inputs as well as address any compliance issues participant organisations might have.

We are grateful to European Union, British Council, and the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT). The CSO Regulations and Compliance Training offered us a wonderful opportunity to meet and interact with the specialists and officials of key government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs)s that are responsible for the management and administration CSO Regulatory framework.

D-Ability Initiative now has a better understanding of how to file our tax returns, how and to whom we are required to remit our Pay As You Earn (PAYE), and withholding taxes. We also have better knowledge of our limitations and boundaries as regards the extent to which we can operate in the context of the objects of our registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). It was also delightful to know that there is a platform that can enable us to file our Annual Returns with the CAC. We also have a better understanding of how to cooperate with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in promoting financial propriety.


President of D-Ability Initiative and some of the beneficiaries


Project Title: Improving Livelihood Outcomes for Deaf women and girls in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area (OBALGA) of Rivers State, Nigeria.

Project  Duration: 9 months (February- October 2022)

Funded by the European Union, through the British Council’s Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) Programme.

The Goal: to Improve financial independence for Deaf women and girls in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Deaf women and girls in OBALGA live in extreme poverty. These women and girls find it challenging to earn a living. Those living with partners or children cannot contribute financially to the sustenance of their household. The poverty cycle has continued within the Deaf community.

D-Ability Initiative’s President Sensitising the Deaf Women and Girls during the Flag-off Ceremony

Disability brings additional undesirable consequences in Nigeria. So far, it is sad to note that there are few policies and programmes geared toward enabling Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to gain employment. Since most of them are not educated, living with disability, without skills, in the face of unprecedented unemployment and COVID-19 is critical.

Our Organisation’s mission is to support, empower, and build the capacity of the Deaf and Hard of hearing persons so that they can compete favourably with the hearing persons and have meaningful lives. Empowering them will make a difference.

D-Ability Project Flag-off session in progress

D-Ability Initiative’s President Sensitising the Deaf Women and Girls during the Flag-off Ceremony

This project addresses the issues of gender and social inclusion. Traditionally and culturally, women are less preferred. Persons with hearing disabilities (Deafness) are the most ignored and ridiculed. Therefore, this project focuses on enabling Deaf women and girls to gain financial independence and compete with the male, and other women and girls without disabilities. It will reduce the inequality rate.

The European Union and the British Council through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) Programme are poised to contribute to more inclusive, effective, accountable, and gender-responsive development in Nigeria. They are also strengthening the system of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), to improve their internal, external, and programmatic capabilities. We are deeply grateful that our Organisation is promoting inclusion, gender equity, and responsiveness.

The President of D-Ability Initiative, Dr. K. U. Nwanyanwu stressed the need for the beneficiaries to take the skill-building programme very seriously, noting that the European Union, and the British Council, through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) have shown interest in their welfare by funding their capacity-building programme. They also need to prove their worthiness of such an investment. 

D-Ability Initiative’s President Sensitising the Deaf Women and Girls during the Flag-off Ceremony


Thank you European Union, British Council, and the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT). You made it happen!


D-Ability Initiative, with funds from the European Union, held a sensitization workshop to engage parents and partners of Deaf women and girls on the need for peaceful coexistence and support for the skill-building programme for Deaf women and girls. This event took place on the 8th of April 2022, at Emerald Hotels conference hall in Port Harcourt.

The Objectives of the meeting were: 

  1.   To help parents and partners of Deaf women and girls understand the plight of deaf women and girls and the burden unemployment poses on them.
  2.   To learn the importance of peaceful co-existence between them, Deaf women and girls, and other family members.
  3.   To inform them of our intention to empower their Deaf women and girls through skill building and earning capacity in the tailoring / fashion industry.
  4.   To itemize and share ideas on anticipated challenges that the training program might face, and to chart a way forward.
  5. To seek their collective buy-in into this life-changing opportunity for Deaf women and girls.

The President of D-Ability Initiative explained that there is a general challenge of unemployment and that parents and partners of Deaf women and girls needed to understand their plight and the burden unemployment poses. The President of D-Ability Initiative, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu stressed the need for parents to live in peace with their Deaf women and girls in their various homes. He informed them that D-Ability Initiative is embarking on a European Union-funded project through the British Council’s Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) Programme, aimed at improving the livelihood outcome for Deaf women and Girls in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria.

After an insightful engagement with parents and partners of beneficiaries, he proceeded to ask them how they usually communicate with their children and partners at home since they are not conversant with sign language. Mr. Salaudeen one of the parents of a beneficiary said he usually communicated based on the little understanding he had with his daughter at home, and that anything he finds difficult to communicate, he has to ask another of his child who has a better understanding to help him.  Mr. Daniel a partner to one of the beneficiaries asked if the beneficiaries would be empowered with equipment after the training program. Dr. Nwanyanwu responded that the scope of the training for this first phase is for trainees to receive skills and knowledge and that in another phase there would be a hub where trainees would be able to practice and work while earning income and remain within that community for support. Finally, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu pleaded with parents and partners of Deaf women and girls to support the project by encouraging their wards to take advantage of the life-changing opportunity. 


Menstrual Hygiene Day

The World Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed globally every 28th of May because the average interval of a menstrual cycle is 28 days and the cycle continues for about five days a month. Since May is the 5th month of the year, it was chosen.

Dehat Ability Support Initiative (D-Ability Initiative) partnered with the Centre for Creative Development Strategies to observe the World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022, and to launch the Sustainable menstrual hygiene project. D-Ability Initiative ensured that women with Disabilities were invited, cared for, and made to participate actively in this event. The event received goodwill messages from different organizations, including D-Ability Initiative, represented by a team of Deaf and Hard of Hearing women, an interpreter, and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. The President, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu, D-Ability Initiative, and other partner organizations carried out a campaign promoting the importance of menstrual justice.

Group Photo

The Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer thanked the audience for identifying with women and to show support for women regarding their menstrual hygiene. He emphasized that D-Ability Initiative is at the forefront of supporting girls and women who have challenges that may hinder their ability to take advantage of different opportunities. He sighted that the Organization is currently undertaking a project that is aimed at improving the livelihood outcomes of Deaf women and Girls in Obio Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State by building their skills and earning capacity in the fashion industry.

He noted that some of the trainees are participating in the menstrual hygiene day with support from a sign language interpreter who is interpreting the activities of the event to them. One of the Deaf women (Mrs. Marvis Alam Igiri) shared her experience with participants at the event on the challenges she faced when she started seeing her menstruation at the age of 14, but that she is poised to educate her children and other Deaf girls about menstrual hygiene from the lessons she has learned.

Other stakeholder called on Government and international partners to ensure that just as condom is being given free to men/boys, sanitary pads should be given to girls & women for free. The representative from the Ministry of Women Affairs emphasized the need for government at all levels to ensure that they always provide free sanitary pads at schools and public centers. A panel of discussants talked about the role of stakeholders in promoting menstrual hygiene. They urged Educational institutions to be at the forefront of educating the girl child on the need to maintain menstrual hygiene, and to ensure that stigma from the male students is mitigated.


D-Ability Initiative Participates in the Celebration of European Union-Funded International Women’s Day 2022.

International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022

D-Ability Initiative, which represented Rivers State CSOs, participated in the celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, held at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja. The celebration was tagged “Break the Bias.” Breaking the Bias, addressing disparities in access to justice for women with disabilities, the event featured a press briefing, the procession (dance) by 7 disability clusters (the Blind, the Deaf, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Albinos, Amputees, Autism etc). Participants included Damilare Babalola, National program manager, Agent for Citizen Driven transformation (ACT); Dr. Ukiwo Ukoho National Programme Manager, Managing Conflict in Nigeria (MCN); Nike Akinbola, Head, Women and Gender Unit, National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, representing the Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons with Disabilities. Samuel Isopi, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria and ECOWAS, among others.

International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022

The event featured two-panel discussions with six panelists. the first-panel discussion focused on the realities of accessing justice and key services. The point highlighted the challenges faced by women with disabilities. All participants were motivated to keep the welfare of women with disabilities in the fore D-Ability Initiative renewed her resolve to advocate for women with disabilities. This event was funded by the European Union, and implemented by the British Council, through the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (ROLAC), Managing Conflict in Nigeria (MCN), and Agent for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme respectively.




A Cross-Section of participants from Rivers State, Adamawa State, and EU-ACT Staff

As part of the onboarding process for the grant awarded to D-Ability Initiative and other selected organisations, the European Union, through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation –(ACT) Programme organised a capacity development/induction session for all its phase 2 grantees. The objective of this session was to enhance CSO grantee’s better understanding of the ACT grant management process and the requirement/expectation from CSO partners for effective implementation of the grant projects. The session also provided other relevant information including an understanding of the monitoring implication, communication and visibility requirement, and understanding the need to mainstream gender and social inclusion in project implementation. The session was held for two days (February 16-17. 2022) in Abuja with in-person attendance.

A Cross-Section of participants from Rivers State, Adamawa State, and EU-ACT Staff


A Cross Section of Participants

Objectives of the Programme

1. To provide a progress update on the AYPHD implementation plan.

2. To validate the State implementation Plan for AYPHD

3. To validate the draft of the AYPHD Implementation Plan and

4. To revise the National Policy on The Health and Development of

Adolescents and Young people in Nigeria (2021 – 2022).

Rivers State Policy Domestication Process: The Rivers State Ministry of Health (RMOH) in collaboration with various MDAs and partners, commenced the process and adaptation in September 2021.

Advocacy and Stakeholder’s Engagements. Advocacy Courtesy Visit. Situational Analysis of Adolescent Health and Development.

The Review Process:

A four (4) day UNICEF funded meeting was conducted on the 19th – 22nd of October 2021.

Development of the Draft Rivers State Implementation Plan (Informal Reviews via Skype).

Where We Are?

Presentation by Dr. Adebayo Emmanuel

Situation Analysis of Adolescents and Young people’s Health and Development in Rivers State.

Session ongoing

Session ongoing

Overall, one thing that was very prominent, was the “lack of dissemination of information”, because of indiscriminate documentation.

For the first time in Nigeria, we are beginning to include Adolescent indicators.

Adolescents are properly captured, going forward. We should know that 50% of the population are Adolescents ranging from the age of 10 – 24 years. Increase in non-communicable diseases because children are involved in lesser physical activities. Sexual activity, contraception, unintended pregnancy, and abortion among young people. Early marriage and childbearing, co-habiting is on the increase. AYP HIV Cascade (Number of people living with HIV).

FLHE is the most effective approach in Nigeria now, but implementation has been slow. FLHE has trained teachers/students alike.

Substance Use is very high in Rivers State. It has led to a high increase in admission in clinics (psychological clinics). Accidents and Homicide; high rate of mortality for young boys. Communicable diseases account for 41% – 43% of causes of death in Rivers State.

School Healthcare System Response; if a school health system works very well (youth-friendly facilities/services); young people will become healthy and healthier. Rivers State has a document that strictly addresses Adolescents (Rivers State Strategic Health Development Plan). There is more to Adolescents than Sexual Reproductive Issues.

Some Components of the Implementation Plan:

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Mental Health, Substance Use, and Addiction

Violence and Injury.

Nutrition and Physical Activity

Non-Communicable Diseases and Disability

Communicable Diseases

Oral Health

How the Implementation Plan is developed?

The vision of the policy, Mission of the policy, Key Implementation Strategies, and Advocacy are key in everything.

Implementation Programmatic/Thematic Areas and Key intervention Activities:

• Policy and legal framework for adolescent health in Rivers State

• Service delivery for AYP in Rivers State

• Basic infrastructure for the health of AYP in Rivers State

• Human resources for the health of AYP in Rivers State

• Family and community systems

• Sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents and young people

• Mental Health and Substance abuse

• Nutrition and Physical activity

• Oral health

• Violence and injury

• Mortality and morbidity among adolescents and young people

• Non-communicable diseases and disability

Communicable diseases.

Note: Have State-Level Data, it helps.

Most of the HIV/AIDS Programmes, focus more on normal Adolescents, excluding Adolescents with Special needs.

Breakout Sessions (In Groups):

The groups analyzed the thematic areas of the interventions and made inputs where necessary.

Dr. Adebayo Emmanuel added, “just because something is a good idea, does not mean, it’s sustainable”. Come new Government, comes new policies. Government can’t do everything, hence, the need for partners.

In closing and to do a formal adoption of the validated document; Dr. (Mrs) Smith, thanked everyone present, partners, and CHAI for helping us fill this gap. By 2021 we came together to carve out a roadmap and niche for our Adolescents. There were facilities, vision, and structure for that phase. We are on a cause of defining the personalities of our Adolescents. On behalf, of the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Health, and other Ministries, we adopt the validation of this document. Congratulations!!!


European Union and British Council through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme trains D-Ability Initiative on human resources management alongside other CSOs partners in Rivers State. The three days training program held at Novotel Hotel, Port-Harcourt was part of the capacity strengthening programme for selected organizations in Rivers State. The intensive training was facilitated by Mrs. Folake Okonubi who took the participants through several modules as designed for the training. It was interesting, impactful, and all-inclusive as she never shifted focus on Human Resources with the introduction of each module demonstrating expertise in the field.

She started with the human resources strategy definition taking a special look at both literal and contextual meaning and expanded to learning and development, performance management, conflict management, gender, and social inclusion amongst others. D-Ability Initiative joined other EU partners CSOs in group works and presentation of group projects. This training had in attendance Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu, the President of D-Ability Initiative, Christian Paul, and nineteen (19) other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) participated in the training in Port-Harcourt.


The Technical Working Group and FLHE Teachers

This programme took place on December 2, 2021. The main purpose of this workshop was to share update(s) of the final copy of the harmonized action plan, to plan for the 2022 International Adolescent Health Week, and to disseminate Family Life Health Education’s (FLHE) findings from some implementations.

The workshop was moderated by Mrs. Mbreba Wokoma, the Desk Officer, Adolescents, and Young Persons Health, Rivers State Ministry of Health.

Some issues that Adolescents face were identified, among which were: 1) Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion. 2) Rise in Cultism 3) Prevalent Drug Abuse among Adolescents. So, how do we mitigate and solve this issue, apart from identifying the challenges? There are implementing partners to ensure these objectives are achieved through the stipulated strategies. One of the strategies agreed on to tackle this menace was parental engagement

We need to have “Parental Engagement” alongside traditional rulers. They can talk to the consciences of their children. And then, work-out strategies to talk to those involved in Cultism (the cultists themselves), so that they don’t attack back. First, we need God and then, we need Parents to be bold. We will help the cult leaders understand what they stand to gain on the other side of life. When they have been convinced, they can help us to sensitize their followers. We need to use the Media (Radio) through regular jingles to sensitize the public. Also, Church/Religious Leaders, we need to talk to them as well. In approaching Cult Leaders, we should address them as “Social Organization Leaders or Youth Leaders”, let’s be subtle in our approach. Most Cult Leaders are violent and arrogant in nature.

Next on the Agenda is “2022 International Adolescent Health Week”; this will happen on the 3rd week of March, 20th – 26th, 2022. Youth Ambassadors will be recruited and the theme is “Transition: Laying Foundation for Adolescent Development”. Plan for screening (HIV/AIDS screening/Mental Health Check) for Adolescents in school and out of school. Carry out activities to create awareness.

The Challenge

It was clear that one of the factors militating against the success of this programme is inadequate facilities. We don’t have enough facilities at the Primary Health Centres, unfortunately, most. Adolescents need confidentiality, they need respect and privacy and with these, you can get any information from them. 23 LGA’s in the State, have two (2) to three (3) Focal Persons and they visit schools, but the linkage facilities are still an issue and it’s challenging. Some of the issues, include; STIs, Post-Abortion issues, etc. In the State, we have over 4000 (plus) Secondary Schools and how many Teachers are taught the FLHE Programme/training. The Primary Health Board is ensuring that facilities in the Health Centres are Adolescent friendly.

Several issues were raised. The FLHE Programme and the needs for Facilities. We will start small, but we will get there. D-Ability Initiative was represented by Dr. Kingdom U. Nwanyanwu.


After a Live Interview on Television

December 3rd each year is set aside to remember, celebrate and commemorate persons with disabilities the world over. D-Ability initiative, in partnership with Voices of The Vulnerable, marked the IDPD 2021 by engaging in media advocacy and granting interviews on Atlantic Television Network (ATN).

Part of the interview centered on the progress or otherwise recorded as regards the implementation of the Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018.

It is obvious that while the Nigerian Government did well by enacting such a laudable law, the implementation leaves much to be desired.

However, we will keep up the advocacy, hoping that someday we will get it right.





In the process of Policy Development, we cannot develop policies without consultation and people who design programmes for Adolescents are key. Adolescence is a critical stage- a transformational stage where a Child begins to take decisions. It is pertinent to have a document and invest in our Adolescents for them to have direction. Citizens of Nigeria, Adolescents occupy 1/3 (one-third) of the Nigerian population. The essence of the Policy Development gives us a priority needs/investment in Adolescents. The National Policy was developed in 1995, 2007 – 2010 – 2019. Target Population: In 2007 National Policy. Age 10-24 years determine a young person according to the United Nations, while age 10 – 29 years determines a young person (local content-Nigerian perspectives).

• Major Stages of Policy Development:

Situation Analysis.

National Stakeholders Policy Workshop.

Engagement of an experienced National Consultant and Production of an Initial Draft of the Policy Document.

Stakeholder’s review of the Initial Draft of the Policy and Revision of the Initial Draft.

Finalization and National Adoption of the Draft Policy Document.

Final Approval Processes.

• The Policy process started in 2019 and because of the covid-19 in 2020, it was not adopted but has been adopted in 2021 at a Conference in Abuja. Adolescents are diverse, based on differences in sex, age, wealth, education, ethnicity, etc. Tomorrow’s Agenda will be to discuss “The Situation Analysis” and Attendees will be divided into groups for focused discussion.

• Issues identified by Attendees/participants include:

Teenage Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion

Drug and Substance Abuse

Cultism and Violence among Adolescents and young people.

Establishment of Adolescent Friendly Centres and people that should manage the facilities are Psychological Clinical Person and Social Workers.

During the Consultative Global Health Conference, GBV, Inequality, and Empowerment issues were addressed.

Policy declaration and guiding principles: strategic targets; roles of stakeholders in the Adoption and Implementation process

Young people as a vital resource for a sustainable future and national development.

Right Based Approach.

Diversity of Adolescents and young people’s needs and situation.

Gender equity and responsiveness

Cultural sensitivity

Participatory and Consultative Integration of Services.

Life-Course Approach

Evidence-Based and Innovation Driven.

Quality-Focused and result oriented.

Policy Declaration: The Government (FGN);

Investment in the health and development of Adolescents and other young people shall be prioritized in the National Agenda.

This Policy shall be complementary to other National Policy Documents.

Young people, themselves have the right and duty to lead as well as to participate individually and collectively referred in the planning implementation, and evaluation of health and development programmes for young people.

All Stakeholders and development partners, including Government and its Institutions, Civil Society Organizations, and the Private Sector as well as international development and Organizations.



An enabling environment will be created and relevant implementation frameworks, including a Strategic framework, an action plan, and costed monitoring.

Vision: A Healthy Life and Optimal Development for all Adolescents and Young people in Nigeria and Successful transition towards a healthy, active, productive, successful, and fulfilled Adulthood.

Strategic Objectives:

Reduce morbidity, disability, and preventable mortality rates.

Strengthen the capacity of the health systems and their linkage with the health sector.

Roles of Stakeholders in the Adoption and Implementation of the Policy:

For Media: Role of Stakeholders-involves informing, and educating the Adolescents on the policy. Example: Sex Education, etc via Radio and other channels.

Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning to ensure a budget line/allocation for the Adolescents programmes flies.

Ensure Teachers give correct information for Adolescent care- (Education Sector).

Ensure we have a workable Policy that is implementable and ensures the Adolescents in Rural areas will also have access to these.

Religious Leaders should be engaged; a lot of Adolescents are influenced through Spiritual growth; The Churches/Mosques matters.

Faith-Based Organizations help Adolescents meet their needs.

To design informed programmes for Adolescents.,

Start designing Employability Skills for Young People to take them out of Poverty.

D-Ability Initiative’s Executive Director, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu gave a presentation on behalf of group 3.

Organizers: Rivers State Ministry of Health and Partners.


D-Ability Initiative (Dehat Ability Support Initiative)

RSMOH-Rivers State Ministry of Health

MYD-Ministry of Youth Development

MSWR-Ministry of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation,

Civic Society Organization (CSOs)

Community-Based Organisation (CBOs)

RIVSACA-Rivers State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDs

RIV-CISHAN-Civil Society on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

IHVN-Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria

NOA- National Orientation Agency

FIDA- International Federation of Women Lawyers

NPF- Nigeria Police Force (Police Medicals)

UPTH- University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital

RSUTH-Rivers State University Teaching Hospital

Rivers media for health and Family Planning

RIV-NYNETHA-Youth Network on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Rivers State Chapter

RSPHCMB-River State Primary Health Care Management Board.

Rivers State Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning.

Nigerian Police Force (Medicals) NPF.



Stakeholders and CSOs in Group Photograph

From 12th to 15th October 2021, selected EU-ACT CSOs were trained on the rudiments of social research and how it can be used to drive development. CSOs, including D-Ability Initiative, needed this training as data gathering, analysis and documentation are a key part of our development work. This was the EU and British Council’s series of capacity-building programmes that D-Ability Initiative participated in.

Some of the key takeaways were:

• Research helps CSOs to gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it.

• It portrays accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation, or group.

• Research helps CSOs to determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else.

• We also learned how to construct research tools such as questionnaires. The D-Ability Initiative was ably represented and gave a presentation.





This project, a five-day programme started with an advocacy visit to the honourable commissioner of health. The Programme was moderated by Mr. Nwankwo Steven (Chief Health Assistant/FGM Focal Person, Gender Branch/GASHE Division, Family Health Department, F.M.O.H). He was very instrumental in ensuring that the event runs smoothly all through the five days.

Welcome, Address by the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Health, ably represented by Dr. Iroro Smith. She said: “We are charting on a cause into making history for the Health of the Adolescent during and after the meeting/capacity training; as we make a quality contribution to the end of the Programme”. Mrs. Mbrema Wokoma (Desk Officer, For the Adolescent (SMOH); shared an action plan on way forward for the Adolescent. Partners present, promise to support as much as they can for the growth and betterment of the Adolescent group. Dr. Anslem Audu (Health Specialist/Officer in charge of UNICEF Port Harcourt, emphasized that they will continue to sponsor the activities of the Technical Working Group for Adolescents.

The objectives included 

To conduct State-level needs assessment, landscape analysis, and prioritization of Adolescent Health problems in Rivers State.

To develop State level of Political support and commitment.

To provide five days of capacity building for health care providers at State and Local government levels for Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!).

To secure the engagement of key Adolescent Health and development Stakeholders on AHD programmes.

The outline for the introduction is as follows:

Who are Adolescents?

What is their relevance in National Development?

What challenges do adolescents face?

How global, regional, and national targets the adolescents.


Adolescents belong to the period of transition from Childhood to Adulthood. This period offers the opportunity for consolidation of the earlier health investment in the childhood years and for laying the critical foundation. Who are Adolescents? 2007 National Policy on the Health and Development of Adolescent and young people adopted by UN definition of “Adolescents”; as individuals between the ages of 10 –19 years. “Youth” as a person aged 15 – 24 years. Looking at the Statistics of the Population of Nigeria; 22% are the Adolescent Population and 78% as the rest of the population. We have 64 million people as young people. Adolescents and young people are a major demographic force as they constitute more than a fifth of the world’s population. Ensuring quality health care services for Adolescents and other young people is also critical to the Universal Health Coverage Agenda.

Efforts at National Level

Policy formulation and Dialogues.

Resource Mobilization

Capacity Building

Monitoring of Adolescents Programmes

Sharing Experience at Global Commitment

Adolescent Health Programmes

Adolescent Technical Working Group (TWG)

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M&E).

Expectations from Rivers State Government (RSG):

Provide support at the State level and help secure L.G.A level political support.

Enhance the process of revamping State level Multi-Sectoral Working Group.

Facilitation of Participation of Partners.

Expected Outputs:

SMTWG revamped.

Built competencies of the SMTWG

State priorities were identified and State Level Implementation Plan was Developed.

Necessary Capacity built.

Proposing For Adolescent Friendly Clinic:

We want the Government to understand what Adolescent friendly Clinic is. Also, for people to understand Adolescents.

Development Partners

They assist the Government to achieve results.

Status of AHD Programming in the State and L.G.A’s:

Why a focus on Adolescent Statistics shows that 10-19years constitute 22.1% of the population.

Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA):

It helps countries to plan, implement and evaluate the Adolescents health programmes’ interventions in each country.

D-Ability Initiative’s Executive Director, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu made four presentations on the landscape analysis of responsive health system strengthening in Rivers State. 

On day 4, Dr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu presented the recap. and at the end of the presentation, he was applauded. The Group session resumed immediately on Work Plan.


The EU-ACT Peer Learning Platform (PLP) was inaugurated on Wednesday 8th September 2021 at Landmark Hotel, Port Harcourt.  D-Ability Initiative along, with other EU-ACT partners Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Rivers State, participated actively in the launch. Organisation working closely with the EU through its Agent for Citizen-Driven Transformation programme were distributed and represented on the different peer learning platform set up on that day. The groups are in two categories namely Action Learning set (ALS) and benchmarking club (BMC) with two persons from each organization in each group.

The Rivers State Focal Person, Mr. Temple Oraeki described the ALS as when a “Group of people, often peers or at a similar level of responsibility and experience, from same or different organisation, coming together over a fixed period to find practical ways of addressing real challenges they face and to support their own learning and development. While BMC was defined as a “Group of like-minded CSOs (or people) coming together to learn about how to push their boundaries of performance to higher levels through mutual support and peer challenge”.

This arrangement would facilitate cross-learning, experience sharing, and collaborative engagement about how to push their boundaries of performance to higher levels through mutual support and peer challenge. With this launch, all EU-ACT Programme partner-CSOs of the British Council in Rivers State would be meeting from time to time to share ideas on improving one another’s organisations practices on what work, what did work, and how to make it work among the peer. D-Ability Initiative was represented by the Executive Director Dr. K.U Nwanyanwu and Mr. Francis Eghehan, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.



Executive Directs with the EU reoresentstThis high-profile feedback workshop was for Executive Directors only. D-Ability Initiative and other selected CSOs together with the officials of the European Union (EU), British Council, and Agents for Citizens-Driving Transformation (ACT) held a feedback session on the EU-ACT series of programmes in Rivers State. The feedback session summarized the months-long organizational capacity development program and heard from participants about the success of programmes so far. It also created an avenue for the Executive Directors to suggest possible ways of making the training better, more productive, interactive, and generally more conducive. This was necessary, as the CSO leaders understand their operational terrain and hence could suggest what would work best.  The EU-ACT team from Abuja joined the Rivers State Focal person, Temple Oraeki in the feedback session. The EU-ACT delegation used the opportunity to announce the commencement of phase two of the program which focuses on strengthening the regulatory framework so that civil society organisations can operate in a friendly regulatory environment while staying compliant with the requirements of concerned regulatory bodies such as Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS), State Revenue Services, among others. Dr. Nwanyanwu the Executive Director of D-Ability initiative represented the Organization, along with the Executive Directors of other selected EU partner CSOs.


Monitoring and Evaluation session


D-Ability Initiative participated in a capacity strengthening programme on monitoring and evaluation (M&E). This training held from 13th to 16th July 2021. This training was a part of the capacity strengthening programme for the organization alongside other (CSOs) selected by the British Council and European Union Agents for Citizen-Driving Transformation (EU-ACT) programme. The (M&E) training workshop equipped partner organizations to face the tasks of measuring and quantifying the level of impact their work is having on their communities. This workshop was key and timely as community development efforts have been the landmark of non-governmental organizations. D-Ability Initiative was represented by the President Dr. Kingdom U. Nwanyanwu and Miss Mary Jeremiah Admin and HR Oficer and other representatives from various organizations.



The capacity of D-Ability Initiative was strengthened from 2nd to 4th June 2021 on the “Gender and Social Inclusion” training programme by the European Union (EU) and the British council through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme series for civil society organizations (CSOs) in Rivers State. Gender and Social Inclusion had these objectives:

  • To strengthen the capacity of CSOs in Gender and Social Inclusion mainstreaming in organizations. Training participants to have a robust discussion and interactive sessions in the facilitator-encouraged interactive training programme. The training programme high level of interactions during training sessions, practice groups work example exercises, and freedom interjections to ask questions contributed to a very high level of assimilation of the course contents and topics which helped to achieve the objectives of the training.
  • To provide a basic understanding of gender and social inclusion in program design.
  • The training of EU-ACT CSOs capacity–building series of programme.
  • Building Gender awareness: gender concept and definition: Social inclusion, as well as gender and social inclusion mainstreaming in organizations, were part of its module. This training made clear the difference between “equality” and “equity.” D-Ability Initiative was ably represented by the Executive Director, Dr. K.U Nwanyanwu, and Miss. Faith Abeyi, the Media Engagement Officer.



Project Cycle Management

Project Cycle Management

The European Union (EU), through the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT) programme has strengthened the capacity of the D-Ability Initiative in project cycle management. This important training programme was held at Visa Karena Hotel in Port Harcourt Rivers State capital.

The programme helped participants to;

Understand what project life cycle management means in the international development context.

Be able to plan, implement, and monitor projects effectively and efficiently.

Understand how to navigate through each of the phases of the project cycle.

Programming includes

Problem identification, appraisal, planning, financing, implementation, and evaluation, among others.

The EU, British Council, and Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation have done so much to strengthen the development capacity of twenty (20) CSOs in Rivers State. This effort is geared towards enabling them to become agents of sustainable transformation.



Action Plan Development

This 3-day workshop focused on Understanding Advocacy Actions planning and adopting a Human Rights-Based Approach.

This training dealt with analysis that should be carried out before and during project planning implementation.

These include, but are not limited to the following.

Situation analysis:

• What facilities are on the ground?

• Problem analysis:

• Is it really a problem?

• Do the right-holders perceive it as such?

• Why does the problem persist?

• Core players analysis:

• Who are the right-holders?

• How do we engage them?

• What method of communication do they appreciate?

Capacity analysis:

• What are our strengths?

• In what areas are we lacking?

• What opportunities do we have to succeed?

• Who can partner with us in our area of weakness?

This capacity-building workshop helped us to adjust the way we viewed the people we are helping. We now adopt a human rights-based approach to advocacy.


The European Union and British Council have trained the D-Ability Initiative on Financial management. This much-needed capacity-building training programme was implemented by the Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT).

The training took place in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Capital city.

Some of the key points covered include:

Understanding the true cost of programmes to develop an accurately realistic budget

Monitoring the financial status of each programme and that of the organization on an ongoing basis.

The usefulness of developing and using financial manual or finance policy

Fraud and how to mitigate fraud.

Qualities of a good financial report, among others.

The importance of financial manuals, all procedures, and processes ensuring that donors’ money will be used wisely and only for the intended purpose crafted into the document must be followed by implementing the programmes for the organization. The document is developed by the board to ensure accountability and transparency by all actors working with and for the financial manual and its implementation in the organization. The manual is a well-established financial system in an organization that makes such an organization more attractive to donor agencies.

Financial manual and its implementation help in finance governance, Jobs roles and description, Department principles and values, Audit roles and responsibility, Fraud and financial fiduciary, internal audit report, external audit and audit report, annual financial report, and stakeholder’s management.

The training was one of the many ways the European Union and British Council strengthened the capacity of selected CSOs in Nigeria so that they can be sustainable and drive development in their various communities.



The European Union and British Council trained D-Ability Initiative staff on Action Plan Development in preparation for a long series of capacity-building workshops in the months to come beginning from February 2021.

The European Union (EU), through its Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation, selected 20 Civil Society Organizations 9CSO0 in Rivers State. The selected CSOs were groomed to make more impact and be more sustainable.

D-Ability Initiative, prior to the action planning development workshop, had concluded its organizational capacity assessment (OCA) with the staff of the British Council and the European Union.

Based on the outcome of the OCA, organizations including D-Ability Initiative were classified for training as needed. Dr. Nwanyanwu Kingdom; Ms. Mary Jeremiah, Mr. Nwanyanwu Promise represented the D-Ability Initiative in this workshop.

Project: Read-to-Lead

Project banner

How important is literacy to education and development? People who cannot read risk being excluded from full participation in their communities and societies. Failing to be literate therefore limits life chances and hinders an individual’s participation in much of the world around them. Literacy is so fundamental to learning that its importance cannot be overstated — it is the essential foundation of education. The ultimate aim of any education system is to equip its children with the necessary literacy, numeracy, and wider skills that they need to take control of their destinies and fulfill their potential.

According to one UNESCO Director, “Literacy is the first step towards freedom, towards liberation from social and economic constraints. It is the prerequisite for development, both individual and collective. It reduces poverty and inequality, creates wealth, and helps to eradicate problems of nutrition and public health.”

Project Leads

Project Leads

The Honourable Minister of Education in Nigeria, Adamu Adamu stated:  “Education is the bedrock of any country’s development, and any country that does not educate its populace is bound to fail. Unfortunately in Nigeria, we have a very large population of illiterates; the number of illiterates, considering our population, is unbecoming.” The Federal Ministry of Education also plans to approach the crisis by implementing a mass literacy program to help youth and adults gain the literacy skills needed to improve their lives.

On 7th March 2019, in commemoration of the World Book Day (UK), we partnered with Teens and Youth Renaissance, to reach and sensitized 1000 teens and youth, the Deaf inclusive, in Rivers State. It centered on the importance of literacy, its connection with leadership, and the many international leadership opportunities available to youth. We always ensure we leave no one behind. We give a shout of gratitude to our volunteers, supporters, and other youth who made the day worthwhile. Their labour of love did not go unnoticed.